Social Hour Teams

Welcome to the Social Hour Teams Page

Social Hour (no matter how many minutes it actually lasts) is often the only time when we have the opportunity to engage new attenders and visitors in conversation which can give them a real sense of connection to our meeting.   These folks can be easily overlooked in the midst of so much necessary "shop talk" that occurs at the rise of meeting amongst committee members, etc.  They can also be easily overlooked since we're understandably eager to talk with good friends we already know and haven't seen in a while. So after setup---and before cleanup---the most important part of Social Hour actually takes place as you converse with new attenders and visitors! 

Social Hour Teams Tasks

Set up BEFORE Social Hour

  1. PB & J in the pantry/fridge
  2. Bread from the Whole Foods supply or the freezer
  3. Cutting board from the kitchen wall
  4. Coffee in the freezer—make coffee in the Mr. Coffee using a paper filter from the "teas" drawer
  5. Tea in the tea drawer under the counter – make hot water in the hot water maker on the counter
  6. Milk and soy milk should be in the fridge – if not, open one of the “shelf stable” cartons of milk in the pantry or set out the powdered dairy creamer as a last resort.
  7. Lemonade and iced tea mixes are in the pantry – mix with water in the large pitchers
  8. Small plates/knives from the kitchen & cloth napkins from napkin drawer

Clean up AFTER Social Hour

  1. Return all ingredients to their places
  2. Use only washclothes for cleaning and put in dirty laundry basket when done
  3. Wash all dishes or put in the washer and turn on
  4. Wipe down tables and counter
  5. Refill water filter containers and put in fridge so they're cold for next time
  6. Clean the coffee maker
  7. Unplug the electrical appliances used
  8. Sweep floors
  9. Check to see if anything is needed for the kitchen (e.g., drink mixes) – write a note on the bulletin board of anything which needs to be purchased

Social Hour Teams Eating Meeting Tasks

Set up BEFORE Eating Meeting

  1. Unwrap the foods Friends have brought – separate the gluten free foods to one area and put the sign in that area
  2. Get the big plates and forks/knives/spoons from the kitchen
  3. Get PB & J in the pantry/fridge
  4. Bread from the Whole Foods supply or the freezer
  5. Cutting board from the kitchen wall
  6. Coffee in the freezer—make coffee in the Mr. Coffee using a paper filter from the "teas" drawer
  7. Tea in the tea drawer under the counter – make hot water in the hot water maker on the counter
  8. Milk and soy milk should be in the fridge – if not, open one of the “shelf stable” cartons of milk in the pantry or set out the powdered dairy creamer as a last resort.
  9. Lemonade and iced tea – mixes are in the pantry – mix with water in the large pitchers
  10. Small plates/knives from the kitchen & cloth napkins from napkin drawer 

Clean up AFTER Eating Meeting

  1. Return all ingredients to their places
  2. Use only washclothes for cleaning and put in dirty laundry basket when done
  3. Wash all dishes or put in the washer and turn on
  4. Wipe down tables and counter
  5. Refill water filter containers and put in fridge so they're cold for next time
  6. Clean the coffee maker
  7. Unplug the electrical appliances used
  8. Sweep floors
  9. Check to see if anything is needed for the kitchen (e.g., drink mixes) – write a note on the bulletin board of anything which needs to be purchased

Other important information

  • If ever needed, the First Aid Box is over the microwave! 
  • In order to reduce noise in the meeting room, please DO NOT begin setup during "afterthoughts"---instead please wait until actual announcements have begun---and even then please work as quietly as possible---but everyone realizes that some noise is necessary/inevitable.
  • Check the calendar in the kitchen or the schedule below to confirm your team assignment date.
  • It is easy in the hustle and bustle of Sundays, to forget that your team may be on duty that day, so please don't hesitate to remind members of your team if they have inadvertently forgotten that they are needed to help.
  • We are trying to have teams large enough that if one person can't be there, there will be enough others to carry on.  However, it is helpful if your team knows ahead of time that you'll be absent.  We are often so busy at the rise of meeting (often with committee responsibilities) that it can be very hard to use that time to find/tell everyone on your team or seek out a replacement.

E-Mail List for Social Hour Teams

Everyone who has signed up to participate in the Social Hour Teams is included on the mailing list You may use this list to to notify your team and others of any schedule conflicts that arise. Please use Schedule conflict or something similar in the Subject line so those unaffected can quickly delete. Once you've connected with someone for a time swap, please use individual email addressses rather than the list. There are also individual email lists for each team in the format which can be used to communicate just with your team members.

Social Hour Teams for 2011

Social Hour Team Schedule 2011
Date Team Team Members
Oct 2 Pecan Genia, Marguerite*
Oct 9 Mimosa Guli, Gregg, Rick
Oct 16 ElmMulberry Renee, Joanna, Andrea, Tobin
Oct 23 Magnolia Anna, Jacob  
Oct 30 Mesquite Glenna, Genevieve, Allen C
Nov 6 Cottonwood Claudia, Zoe, Donna, Jeremy
Nov 13 Cypress Tom B., Lillian F., Lilac, Kirsten, John P
Nov 20 Willow Bob, Larry, Janet , Kirk
Nov 27 Live Oak Tom M., Howard, Galia  
Dec 4 Pecan Genia, Marguerite*
Dec 11 Mimosa Greg, Guli, Rick
Dec 18 ElmMulberry Renee, Joanna, Andrea, Tobin
Dec 25 Magnolia Anna, Jacob, Ryan, Amy