FMA Online
Video conference links will be posted on the day of each meeting.
First Day Activities - January 19
Singing Meeting
Time 10 am
Meeting for Worship
Time 11 am
Click here to join with Zoom Video Conferencing
Meeting ID: 874 9048 4607
Passcode: quakers
More meetings...
Each Monday through Saturday at 12 noon. You must sign in to to attend.
First Day Activities - January 26
Quakerism 101 Session 1: Who Is Quaker and According to Whom?
Time 9:30 am (note the earlier time!)
Meeting for Worship
Time 11 am
Past Meetings...
See our Videos Pages for recordings of past forums and other meetings.
You can view videos from South Central Yearly Meeting on this YouTube Playlist.
Joining a Meeting
Our meetings are listed with a "join link" and a meeting ID which are posted on the day of the event.
To join a meeting from your computer, pad, or smart phone, just click the "join link" or enter the meeting ID in the Zoom Application. If prompted for a "passcode" or "password", type in the word quakers.
For details and other ways to join see "Join a Zoom Meeting"
To join for audio only by dial-in phone:
- Dial 1-346-248-7799
- When you hear the instruction, type the Meeting ID (numbers only) followed by the pound sign (#)
- No passcode (or password) is required for dial-in participants. If you are prompted for a participant id, just press the pound sign (#) again.
During a worship time, your audio will be muted to contol unwanted background noise. You may "unmute" when you wish to share ministry. On most devices, you click (tap) the crossed-out microphone icon. .On a dial-in phone, press * 6.
For more detail about controls in the Zoom meeting see "Zoom Meeting Controls"
Other opportunities for online Quaker Worship
South Central Yearly Meeting Wednesdays at 7 pm
Pendle Hill daily worship
Listings of still more opportunities for online Quaker worship can be found on: