Recent Committee Activities


Minute approved: 2017.06.06 FMA approves the lease for RRCS, comfortable that small edits for accuracy will be made by the committee. The lease between Radicle Roots Community School House and FMA is for three years 2017-2020.  The lease and the 5 addenda are listed in the Documents list for this committeeLease Documents

Minute approved: 2011.11.4 Friends are in agreement with the recommendation by the Community Relations Committee to limit long-term use by outside groups to groups with liability insurance with Friends Meeting of Austin endorsed as an additional insured. Community Relations will ask for proof annually that FMA is endorsed as an Additional Insured.

Minute approved: 2010.06.05 Meeting approved inviting ATCF to share the space in the Little House based on our shared mission and established working relationship. We ask Community Relations Committee to go forward drafting and negotiating a Minute approved lease based on their recommendations and our feedback, and consult with Finance Committee before bringing the lease back to July’s business meeting

- ATCF became a tenant of the Little House early in 2011. They primarily use all but the Back Room and may use it for Monthly Evening Meetings.

After reviewing the threshing session experience, previous minutes, and other notes and having some additional worshipful consideration, Community Relations Committee recommends that meeting property be an alcohol-free space

Minute approved: 2010.03.5 FMA approves the recommendation of Community Relations Committee that meeting property be an alcohol-free space

Earlier activities
•Invited our neighbors to our celebration of our 60th anniversary as a Meeting and our first year in our new home. (October 2008)
•Created refrigerator magnets with Meeting contact information for nearby neighbors so they could let us know about any suspicious activity on the property.
•Attended a meeting of the Winner's Circle, a group which supports formerly incarcerated persons in getting re-integrated into the community. This group meets weekly in the portable.
•Attended a meeting of the neighborhood association to learn about neighborhood issues.