Other Quaker Libraries and Resources

QuakerReviews - Reviews of Pendle Hill Pamphlets

Jean Rosenberg.of Middlebury (VT) Friends Meeting has compiled an extensive set of reviews of Pendle Hill Pamphlets which she has posted to LibraryThing. To use the site, click the link below and then click the button on the far left labeled Your Library and select from the list Instructions for using this site. Selecting the list of Pendle Hill Pamphlets will list those that have been reviewed with information about each pamphlet including a rating based on a five star system (explained in the instructions).

Digital Quaker Collection of Earlham School of Religion

DQC is a digital library containing full text and page images of over 500 individual Quaker works from the 17th and 18th centuries. The proprietary software developed for Earlham School of Religion provides multiple search functions and an interface for viewing pages.

Tripod - Combined Catalog of Swarthmore, Brwyn Mawr and Haverford Colleges

Tripod now searches for individual journal articles as well as the Tri-College libraries’ collection of books, journal titles, multimedia materials, databases and more.

Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Library

The PYM library has an extensive collection of 23,000 books, periodicals, and audio-visual items, for children and adults, dealing mainly with Quaker theology, history, biography and social concerns.

Guilford College - Friends Historical Collection

This collection includes the college archives, a small digital collection, manuscripts and artifacts and serves as the archives for most of the region’s Friends meetings, including NCYM (FUM), NCYM(C), Southern Appalachian Yearly Meeting and Association and several indepedent monthly meetings. It also houses the archives of Quaker House of Fayetteville, the North Carolina Friends Historical Society, and several other organizations.