A discussion of how Quakers get together. Including FGC Gathering, Yearly Meeting and other events.
Poster of Quaker Gatherings
- Beloved Community Lunch
- People of Color pre-gathering and at FGC Gathering
- Holiday celebrations
- Death Row group and travel times
- Representive Meeting (SCYM – South Central Yearly Meeting)
- Quaker summer camps
- FLGBTQC Friends for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered and Queer Concerns
- Pendle Hill
- Earthcare Witness
- Quaker Religious Education Coalition
- Quakers United in Publication (QUIP)
- Friends Peace Teams
- Local groups
- Quaker parenting support group
- Quarterly Meeting -Cielo Grande SCYM
- Friends World Committee on Consultation, Sections of Americas, Asia, Europe/Middle East
- Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL)
- FGC – Friends General Conference GATHERING
- Friendly 6s
- Friends Meeting of Austin, committees
- Forums
- South Central Yearly Meeting -SCYM
- American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)