Here are our videos of forums and other events as captured from Zoom Video conferences, with the participants' permission.
Introduction to Quakerism Series, Session 3, 2023
Introduction to Quakerism Series, Session 2, 2023
Introduction to Quakerism Series, Session 1, 2023
Forum on Labyrinths presented by Mary Hampton
Living in Right Relationship with the Living World: Quaker Testimonies as a Template? Presented by Mary Ann Percy
Liz Yeats reports on South Central Yearly Meeting Annual Sessions 2023. May 7,2023
Recording of forum: History of East Austin II, April 30, 2023, with Harrison Epright
Recording of forum, Austin Sanctuary Network, April 23, 2023
Recording of forum: Quakers and the Paschal Mystery
A threshing session to discuss the war in Ukraine