UPDATE: New CDC Guidance for Fully-Vaccinated

The Centers for Disease Control have released new guidance to fully-vaccinated individuals to resume pre-pandemic activities as normal.

As of May 13, the Centers for Disease Control issued new guidance to those who are fully vaccinated:

  • If you are fully vaccinated, you can resume activities that you did prior to the pandemic.
  • Fully vaccinated people can resume activities without wearing a mask or physically distancing, except where required by federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, rules, and regulations, including local business and workplace guidance.

For full details see: When You’ve Been Fully Vaccinated | CDC

A note of caution - Austin Public Heath is still observing "Stage 3 Guidelines", which are far more cautious.  Stage 3 guidance advises that residents should: Practice good hygiene; Wear a mask; Stay home if sick; Avoid sick people; avoid all gatherings with social groups greater than 10. Businesses are recommended to operate at up to 50-75% capacity. 

We might expect to see a closer alignment with the CDC guidance in the coming days.  Check the APH website for updates: COVID-19 in Austin | AustinTexas.gov